Creating a safe and nurturing place for individuals of like mind to explore and grow to their highest potential in this lifetime and forever in their ongoing, unending journey to the light. We accomplish these goals by working with The 58 Beings of Light to teach and encode generations of open hearted individuals to ascend upward through energy shifts with ease. Serving the planet, serving the Love of All That Is.

Since 1993


Find Your Way Home

Are you sometimes lost? Wandering around with questions and doubts? Trust the wisdom of your soul, it knows the way.

Are you looking for a community of like-minded seekers ready to grow together with support and fun?

What we do best at The Soul Growth Institute is combine the deep riches of esoteric philosophy with the practical knowledge of psychology. OK wait, before you go off and google that... esoteric philosophy is simply the exploration of the "inner traditions to know yourself" as opposed to mapping your life by external reference points. We start simple and classes are short, start on time, and end on time. And in between you learn and ask questions and sometimes we might blow your mind a little bit if you're open to it.

All you are, all that you know, and all that you will remember (that maybe you forgot when you came into form) about your greatness, your unlimited potential comes into play.

Your highest soul expression awaits!