These dates are solid and so far in advance because we have to "lock in" the correct rooms way in advance at The Summit.

Level One

Soul Age:

Class 1: We begin with a basic overview of Soul Age based on the Michael Teachings that reveals a structured growth trajectory through time for each soul. This soul growth trajectory includes a procession through Five Soul Ages that each contain seven distinct stages per age. This first class lays out the structure and philosophy of how the soul progresses. Date: January 19, 2019 Conference Room 2, second floor left off of elevator

Class 2: In this class we introduce the characteristics of the Five Soul Ages. We describe how the soul age manifests in physical appearance and life activity levels and focus. We outline key challenges and the overall impact of each soul age on the life of the person. Date: January 26, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Class 3: Introducing another layer, we show how the Soul Role determines what "type" of soul we are, manifested through every incarnation throughout all the five soul ages and each of the seven stages (levels) of those ages. Soul roles also influence body type, themes of a life and influence life direction. As with soul age, the soul roles all impart unique gifts and challenges. Date: February 2, 2019 Community Room, first floor in the back NE corner of the building beside outdoor pool area.

The Psychology of Relationships:

Class 1: In this series, Family Systems Theory is introduced at a layperson's level (no psychology degree required!). By understanding these principles you can change your relationships and change your life. March 23, 2019 Community Room, first floor in the back NE corner of the building beside outdoor pool area.

Class 2: Understanding the structures within family dynamics that shape our lives, presented at a layperson's level. You will gain perspective and insights that allow you to take the sting out of every interaction within the human condition.
Date: March 30, 2019 Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Class 3: Applying the secrets of relationship dynamics from Family Systems gives us the ability to heal and reclaim our birth right of personal power. As we gain insight about family patterns, we can find peace and empowerment and remain balanced in all our relationships. April 6, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Energy Meditation:

Class 1: Introduction to the techniques and philosophy underlying Kriya Yoga. This is not the stretchy bendy yoga. With energy meditation, we sit comfortably in chairs. This is yoga that moves energy through intention and attention to chakras and the structures of the subtle bodies beyond the physical body. The practice of Kriya Yoga soothes the mind and energies the body. April 13, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Class 2: Introduction to the structures of the chakras, how they interact together, along with an introduction to the etheric anatomy of chakra columns, key Nadi points and basic mudras (gestures) and basic mantras (Sanskrit chants).
April 27, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Class 3: An introduction to how to apply the secrets of Kriya Yoga to activate your etheric systems for soul growth and adventures.  May 4, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Understanding the Brain and How Humans Tick:

Class 1: At a layperson's level, we will describe at a BASIC level (with diagrams) the major brain centers and how those systems influence mood, daily function and even gene expression. We all  are so much more than our anatomy but you might be surprised by how much you can influence your life by understanding your brain and applying that knowledge. May 18, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Class 2: Continuing basic descriptions of brain functions and brain states that influence mood and even transcendent states. We will talk about why humans are built to pursue the spiritual mysteries and how the evolving brain shaped human development.
May 25, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Class 3: Getting in a little deeper, but not too deep, we will describe how the brain and body work together to regulate our energy and moods. We will look into how and why the brain produces hormones and neuro-peptides that the body utilizes and how patterns become habitual in either positive or negative ways. Understanding these secrets of the brain/body connection can produce positive change on a physiological level.
June 1, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Esoteric Philosophy:

Class 1: The study of the evolution of consciousness is my all time favorite subject. Find out why in this introduction. As always, as an introduction this will start at a basic level to make the complex as simple and fascinating as possible.
June 8, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Class 2: By focusing on the invisible influences, throughout recorded human history and pre-history (yes I know about that and will discuss), we begin to understand how the universe works and why we are here. June 15, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

Class 3: Introduction to the spiritual dimension. To understand how the soul evolves is to understand the power of humans who are spiritually awakening to take charge of and initiate the trajectory of their own evolution and growth. June 29, 2019  Conference Room 2, second floor left right off of elevator

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