Hello Lightworkers, This is Our Time to Be Of Service

Are you tired right now? Not at your best? Feeling separate and a bit out of sorts? Or, a lot out of sorts and overwhelmed? Yup? Well no wonder!

What’s up with THIS tough time? We waltzed through 2012 chanting oms and expecting a big shift, the arrival of 5D consciousness and all that. Hey, we were the awakened Indigos, Crystal and Rainbow kids. Right? We felt the energies ramping up and ramping up and we focused in on the 5D energy more and more. And then, hmmmmm. December 21, 2012 arrived.

That magical date came and went and not much changed, visibly and invisibly. A few days later we were asking ourselves, and in our 2012 groups, what happened to “The Shift to 5D consciousness” that was promised us? Going forward, not even that much changed in 2013, or 2014 either. Just more energy upgrades but, a bit ho hum. Creating outcomes got easier and there did seem to be more separation between two realities, between a 3D focus and a 5D focus. Yes that was noticeable at times and we would slip between the two energy worlds, bog down, get lifted back down to 5D, bog down and then practice living in 5D again.

And then! EVERYTHING changed. But not at all how we expected it to change. Oh whimper. Maybe a bit of a collective hissy fit was had by all, even among those of us who were holding space for the new energy. What the what? What just hit the world?

True, some of us DID get the memo that the twelve years leading up to 2012 was the easy part in the ending of an approximately 6,500 year cycle. (Cycles within cycles of 13,000…26,000…52,000) Frankly all the energy flus and funky symptoms, the intense feelings and adjustments of those twelve years leading up to 2012 didn’t feel that easy to me, but OK. Maybe I’m just overly tuned in to those tune ups!

The complete installation of the new cycle takes 24 years, twelve years prior to 2012 and then twelve years after that.  Adding 12 years onto 2012 brings us to 2024 to complete “the install” of new energies for the next big cycle of 6,500 years. Even after 2024, times will be challenging until the new cycle settles in. I can see and feel the 5 D reality stabilizing and expanding and building new foundations.

Even in the midst of chaos (or because of the chaos?), two realities exist side by side and that is how it has to be for now. We will navigate these two worlds and move between them because we have to and because we are designed to do so. We came in with the resources to walk between the worlds. We’ve got this.



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