Colors are more vivid in person)

Erin Schroer,
Reiki Master and
Angel Energy Artist

Blissful Spirit Reiki and Angel Art Studio

Providing Healing through Reiki and Angel Art (personalized especially for you)

What do I bring to the Soul Growth Institute, you may ask?

Blissful Spirit Reiki:

A Reiki healing experience with me is about creating calmness, for the mind, the body and the soul. You leave your session with a better sense of Self: grounded and relaxed. In each session, we set an intention together to provide the focus for that session. This sets the tone, the energy and the guidance for what areas need the most care at that moment for your highest good.

Angel Art Studio:

Commission a painting of your angel to remind you that you are never alone and you are always loved and guided. Each painting is unique and taps into my psychic ability to provide the most healing colors and images that Spirit invites you to bring into your environment. Prices per painting vary based on size and composition and turn around time will vary.

What to expect:

Reiki Sessions:

For those who have not experienced a Reiki session, you lie comfortably on a massage table, fully clothed, for about 45 minutes. A light touch is used to scan the body and remove any energy blocks which would then help decrease pain, whether that is on the mental, physical, or emotional level.

Angel Energy Art:

To receive an angel painting you must first experience a Reiki session. This facilitates my ability to generate a painting of your angel (or guide). I may not necessarily see your angels/guides or speak about them, during the Reiki session. The time spent in the session benefits you but it also gives me the avenue for tapping into their presence for when I paint them later.

My story:

I have studied and practiced my Reiki healing modality for 7 years. I learned from two different teachers to broaden my experience and knowledge of this modality.

I received my first Reiki Attunement at Level I in 2010 and that was an amazing experience. Reiki clicked for me. I continued with the attunements, practice and study for Level II and received Advanced Reiki training before becoming a Reiki Master in January 2018. As I fully embraced the attunements, the intuitive growth skill sets and the philosophy of this modality, Reiki inspired me to become who I really am as a healer!

Becoming an Angel Energy artist is an extension of my inner knowing and trusting my abilities as they continue to grow. Every painting is an opportunity to meet and "sit with" a loving spirit-being who is willing to be portrayed, in form, on canvas.

Please Note: I share offices with the Soul Growth Institute at 7373 W 147th St., Suite 176, Apple Valley, but my contact information is different and listed at the end of this segment.



My clients report feeling grounded, calmer and ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead for them.

Angel Energy Art:

Testimonial in her own words, from an owner of an angel painting:

"Viewing my angel painting for the first time, I was in awe. The art itself is simple and almost childlike, with a playful spirit. But the paintings go beyond just art... there is something special and indefinable about living with these "art" pieces over time. The colors both soothe and energize. The painting itself seems to open a portal right to the presences of those angels or guides represented." Anon

Erin says:

I look forward to meeting with you! Ways to contact me:

Click here to email me:
or call:

