So now what do we DO?

Have you figured it out yet? I bet you have.

This is the time that we came here for, to be alive on the planet now. We are the way showers, the bridge builders. Yes, it has been a slog through, hasn’t it? We were warned that a LOT of people would leave the planet during this time in order to reincarnate with higher vibrational bodies. Or to simply move on to another planet suited to their energy signatures. I know I imagined more people passing on from natural causes or even natural disasters, but not anything of this scale or from such a worldwide, shared event in the form of a virus.

So now what? We can still remember who we are. We can remember that we practiced for this, even if we didn’t know what was coming. How did we practice? We grew up spiritually and found our grounding in the now. We learned how to hold space, to breath, to tune in and figure out ‘right action’ or hold a boundary, or wait and observe.

We learned all of these tools when we were not under pressure so that when the time came, we could remember how to move forward. It is OK that it took us a minute to gain back our footing. We’ve got this. We have guides and angels lighting our way and we know how to tune into them and listen.

Yes, for sure we are experiencing a sorting out process. What do we do now, where do we GO now, how do we work together now? It is OK to ease into whatever is forming as the next step for each of us. It is OK to move forward and then retreat back a bit. Keeping it simple, we can ask, “What is it that is mine to do, right now?” The answer might be something small, an action just for today. Or we might open up a path to a whole new plan of action or direction.

Remember too: we are of service simply by BEING. “Being” requires only that we are aware, even when having clear sight is painful and true awareness is tough because denial would be easier. We are called to see clearly and then lead the way onward. How do we do that?

Our consciousness and our focus matters at this moment, very much. As we focus inward on the light that we are (and eternally have been and ever shall be), this sends a crystal clear light out into the world like a beacon.

We remember who we are: we are the ones who came here to forge a path forward during this time. We hold the high watch. With our presence here now, we declare that this time the cycle of humanity spirals upwards and doesn’t fall back. Why? Because we came here to carry the blueprints in our very DNA, to BE the light.

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