You Decide Where to Begin

Explore our upcoming classes beginning in mid-January

We are building a full curriculum
that cycles through Five Areas of Study on Four Levels

(Classes are very affordable at $15.00 paid at the door, cash or check)

We begin with Level One classes in five areas of study. Each upward progressive level of teaching explores those five topic areas in more depth and from a slightly more advanced level.

Areas of Study --

Soul Age:

Cracking the code on why am "I" here? Based on the Michael Teachings, this series provides an understanding of the Five Soul Ages that define the soul's path of growth and progress.

Understanding What Makes Humans Tick (Two Segments):

Presenting the tools of applied psychology (nuts and bolts level) for the layperson. We bring topics of psychology into the real world to improve relationships at work and home. In a separate segment we describe basic brain functions and how those systems influence mood, the flow of daily life and even transcendence.

Energy Meditation:

Kriya Yoga practices. (Kriya yoga involves breath, pranic focus and energy but does not involve stretching or physical work.) Kriya yoga happens seated comfortably in a chair. With a broad brush, we introduce the history and tradition of using Kriya Yoga for spiritual growth and health in all the body systems, physical and energetic.

Esoteric Philosophy:

What is Out There? And What is IN Here? We begin with questions not answers. The focus in exploring the "esoteric" is on inner truths of the soul self without attachment to "the answer" or rigid definitions or dogmas.


door for web

Level One Classes

We meet at the beginning. We start out slow and then we will dive deeper and grow further.


Answering deeper questions about soul age, the real key to the Law of Attraction: Magnetics of Energy, and discovering the Structures of Family Systems, Dynamics of Groups in Families and the Inside Knowledge that allows for Breakthroughs

door level two
door level three

Level Three Classes

Getting past information and questions and into application: Living this work


Removing the brakes, exploring the outer edges and attempting to answer some of the stranger mysteries of life.

Doors level four

View Class Descriptions

Listing of very affordable classes ($15.00 at the door)

Register to Attend Classes HERE

Classes are listed on a calendar that allows you to reserve your place in any of the many classes available.